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Reconnect with your inner self and leave your everyday stress behind with our intimate, luxurious yet affordable, weekend wellness retreats in regional Victoria.

Are you ready for a corporate retreat in Victoria or NDIS Respite Retreat? 

Wellness and Spa Retreats in Daylesford?

We are the most enjoyable retreat - book your tickets and we will take care of the rest.

 About Us

We are Olga and Natalia, we have been friends for many years.

The idea of ​​organising weekend wellness retreats was born in 2019, when we decided to relax with friends and spend our bachelorette party with a circle of like-minded women. After such an amazing retreat, we realised- Wohoo!-  this is what we want to create for other women.

This is what everyone needs an emotional reset, relaxation in beautiful villas in Daylesford, star gazing rather, gatherings around the fire, after spa, yoga sessions, games, and dances. It's a stress-free happy Fun-treat.

Fun Weekend Retreats in Victoria

Our service

We value ​​ high-level service, we take care of all details for the comfort and convenience of every participant.

Our clients appreciate the care, and attention to detail and regularly rebook themselves for more retreats.


Our normal world is clogged with noise, stress, and dramatic events. A wellness and spa retreat in Victoria, on the other hand, is situated in a peaceful location with no disturbances from the outside world. No deadlines, beeps, calls, horns, or annoying things.

You enjoy and remember your wellness retreat for a long time with new friends, and healed emotions and perhaps we will inspire you to continue taking care of yourself, your body, mind and soul every day. Your wellness retreat can change your life!

 We can organise a customized corporate retreat in Daylesford to reward your employees and create a strong employee bond for team building.

Our women's retreats gained a reputation as the best fun retreats in Victoria.

Our gift will remind you about your fun-tastic weekend and you come back again together with your beloved friends.

You won’t be sad or bored or stressed anymore- we can guarantee you that!

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more thereis in life to celebrate."- Oprah Winfrey


Our Retreats
Explore what we provide

If you are looking to disconnect from the hustle and bustle and reconnect with yourself, we invite you to join an upcoming retreat.

Bali Retreat "Body. Mind. Soul"

29.06.24 - 6.07.24

Discover Your Inner Zen at Rest Retreats!

Do you like beautiful nature, tasty food, women's intimate circle, and a fantastic atmosphere?

Rest & Retreat team presents!

Every woman can greatly benefit from a wellness retreat! Our "Body. Mind. Soul" retreat offers physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits and offers a deeply blissful, healing, and transformational journey. It is time out just for you to unwind, relax, reconnect, and regain fresh clarity and focus.

This gateway you will remember forever.


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weekend wellness retreats

Happy Fun-treat

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